Sunday, February 8, 2015


CERPEN. Apa itu cerpen?

Semasa aku di sekolah menengah dulu aku sering baca majalah dewan siswa dan buku-buku cerita. Kadang-kadang aku selalu juga pinjam buku di perpustakaan. Antara buku yang aku cari ialah buku yang tidak berapa tebal sangat atau kalau tebal, isi di dalamnya adalah koleksi cerita-cerita yang tidak panjang sangat.

Moral 'of the story' nya ialah aku tak suka baca buku, bahan bacaan, novel yang panjang-panjang berjela-jela sampai ambil seminggu baru habis baca.

Sebab itu aku suka cari CERPEN yang bermaksud cerita pendek!. Dulu aku suka baca cerpen. Apa kata kalau aku cuba berjinak-jinak jadi penulis cerpen pula? Emmm bagus juga ni.

Saturday, February 7, 2015


Since I rejoined the workplace seven months ago (July 2014), I had not been able to spare time updating and writing new postings of my blogs. My sincere apology if they are expectations for updates from my blog readers.

Now, my routine has completely changed. During my study leave of two years, I had ample time and rooms to write. But, there is no more luxury. Weekdays, my work preoccupies me with daily operations serving customers and attending enquiries as well as solving problems.

I like to write and put down my thoughts. It is my great pleasure sharing knowledge, ideas, feelings, experiences and forward visions of mine with people. My Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that there were three things that would generate rewards for a humankind even after death until the day of judgement. They are the good deeds we do during our life, pious children who pray for their parents and useful knowledge.

I will make an endevour to write more frequently. Stay tune guys!