Saturday, June 11, 2016

I Want To Built A Clock That Last

Over time I climbed up from junior 41 to senior 52 building my leadership skills. I now realise that those thing was a dedication as if I were to built a time telling about my self. Yes, it's true people will talk about me as what the Malay proverb says 'manusia mati meninggalkan nama'. I supposedly be proud of my self.
Emmm, so what? People will just say good things, praise me, story telling about me to people surrounding them, and may be sing a song about me. That's all. Nothing more than that.
I vow, I want to change. While utilising, exploiting and maintaining the good things and skills I have developed, I want to be an architect or the clock builder as what the duo Jerry Porrass and Jim Collins called.
I want to shift my concentration towards building something that survives the test of time. A family, a unit, section, department, division, organisation or even a community that works in a conducive environment which promotes innovations.
Something which their existence is to fulfill the needs of others. Something that will be beneficial to the people. Something that evolves around from good to better irregardless of what happen to the world. It will stay strong and live even beyond the time of its maker.
Its the clock that tells the time not the time that tells the telling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i wish
i will have the opportunity to work with you.
