Sunday, March 3, 2013

Appeal Email on "My Apple ID has been disabled"

Dear Jilu,

Many thanks for your reply and the number. I tried to call the number you provided but I did not proceed as I will be charged because I was calling from Malaysia. But I managed to speak to a guy from the Account Security Team Mr Eric at this number 1800803638.

Based on our tele-conversation, I learnt that my Apple ID has been disabled because of the violation of the Apple's terms and conditions due to reasons as below:

1. The codes that I used to redeem credit/apps were not genuine.

As for this reason, I have no clue which particular iTunes Gift Card/s (iTGC) redemption/s was/were not genuine. FYI, I did several redemptions and I believe it would not be possible that all codes were illegitimate. Mr Eric was also unable to explain it to me as the matter is only known by the Apple's Fraud Department.

What made me puzzled is from the first redemption (which took place more than two years ago) and the latest redemption (I think was close to a year ago), I had never encountered any problem and there was no warning from Apple that I have ever received. And still I have a positive balance under my account ID amounting to USDxx.xx.

Other transactions that quite recent were the redemptions of 2 apps (Sygic GPS Maps & iMovie apps) using app redemption codes which I obtained it from a friend of mine. My friend gave it free to me for a cup of drinks. I suspect these codes could be the reason why my ID has been disabled but I did not suspect anything because there was no issue even after a few weeks of redemption.

I conducted the purchase transactions in good faith for personal use. I did not even know the redemption code/s was/were not genuine. How do I know that the code/s was/were invalid, if I succeeded whenever I purchased or redeemed at the App Store without problems? I think the App Store should not has allowed the download/redemption from proceeded if the code/s was/were not genuine or maybe give a warning at that point before the confirmation of purchase.

I wish to express my mind that I did not intend to commit any fraudulent activities because I know it is a crime and prosecutable by law. All the purchases I made from the App Store were in good faith.

2. The use of the US' address although I am not living in the US

For this reason, I admit that I use an address in the US when I created this ID back in 2009 for simple reasons. At that time, I was in the US and I bought my very first Apple product an iPhone 3G in a store in Washington DC. I need to have an Apple ID to download apps.

While in Malaysia, iPhone product was very new. The App Store for Malaysia had just been established and was very small offering very limited Apps. FYI, iBooks, Songs, Videos could not be purchased at that time.

Now, I believe the Malaysia App Store has grown but still some apps and books are still not available for purchase/download. Sometimes it takes a while as compared to the US App Store in terms of availability of apps, ibooks, musics, videos etc.

Out of convenient, I continue using the US address until today.

This is the first time I am having a big trouble in regards to my Apple ID FYI, I still can not accept the fact that my ID has been disabled. I appeal to you to re-enable my ID.

If anything I can do to recover my ID, I am willing to do that. Below are some of my initiatives that I will do in order to convince Apple to re-enable my ID:-

i) Change the address to my home address in Malaysia where I live now.
ii) I pledge to take extra efforts to ensure codes or gift cards are genuine before doing any redemption. I hope in the near future all the codes/cards will be bought directly from Apple Store.
iii) I will link the ID with my own credit/debit card so that I can purchase directly from the App Store. So that it reduce the risk of being cheated by friends or fraudulent sellers if I were to use codes or gift cards.

I sincerely hope you seriously consider my situations to enable my Apple ID:-

i) I can not lose this ID as it is widely being used as my contact (iMessage, Facetime), iCould, backups, calendar, notes, Pages, Photostream, email, synchronization with other service providers such as my employer's Exchange Server, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Dropbox and many-many other apps that I have downloaded and contain data. I will be in serious trouble if I could no longer be able to use my Apple ID.

ii) I could say that I am the first class LOYAL and HAPPY user of Apple products. Since the first time I use Apple product the iPhone 3G, I knew it I'm gonna like it forever. I have tried the Blackberry and Android phones and tablets together with iPhone and iPad before. But I sold them shortly when I realised Apple's experience is far ahead and better than BB and Androids. I have purchased iPhone 3G, iPhone 4S and just bought the iPhone 5. I also own iPad 1, iPad 2 and iPad 4th Generation Retina Display. And all 6 of them are still in my possession and being used by my family, my wife and me! They all sharing apps and ID that is! Could you think how will I become crazy if my ID can not be re-enabled?

As a very loyal customer, it is very unfair if been denied to continue using my Apple ID that has been used for more than 3 years to purchase, download, update all the apps that I paid it with my money.

I sincerely hope you will be fair with me and take into consideration my loyalty towards Apple. Moreover, it is the Apple's founder the late Steve Jobs who created Apple not just to sell the products but to make the user happy and LOYAL. And I am LOYAL.

I am sorry if my email is too long but I am very-very hopeful that my Apple ID can be used again to purchase and update apps. If you think that what I should do as mentioned earlier are not enough, please tell me Sir...

I am eagerly waiting your favourable reply as quickly as possible. I'll refresh my email every hour to check your email...

Yours sincerely

Wan Mohammed Saupee
Apple ID: (but has sadly the ID has been disabled)
Telephone: +60xx-xxx-xxxx

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