Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Should Parliament Sits More Days In A Year?

The above title is a question in respond to a suggestion made by one of the MPs from an opposition party.

My answer is....

I DISAGREE!!! The current sitting days are long enough already. You may have reasons. But I also have excuses that seriously demand your attention. I know the more days the Parliament sits, the more questions you can ask to Ministers. 

But do you know that it also claims more time of productive working hours of the civil servants!!! The civil servant's true job is to carry out the government program for rakyat. Not to preoccupy themselves with too much time, I repeat "too much time" preparing answer to all questions from the MPs. Which, it is a great loss to the rakyat to enjoy benefits from the programs that have been planned for implementation but will be severely affected should their focus shifted to other unproductive jobs. In financial term, I call it an expensive opportunity cost for the rakyat.

Do you get it? Probably the MPs should maximise the opportunity to ask during the break. Over coffee session?

-- saupee 
18 November 2015, Kuala Lumpur

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Integrasi Nasional

Saya skoloh di Kampung Kute, Kelate masa kecik dulu. Masa sekolah rendah ada cikgu hensom ngajar ilmu alam. Dia berasal dari Perak. Nama tak ingat dah.

Tiap kali kami bising kat belakang dia akan jerit dari mejanya kat depan "Woiiii kat belakang sana, jangan BERSEMBAAANGGGG!"

Saya ore Kelate yang tak pernah dengar orang bercakap luar tak faham apa yang cikgu teriak tu. Lama kelamaan, saya faham maksud SEMBANG dan mula guna perkataan tersebut dalam karangan BM saya. Cikgu saya pun sudah mula berkecek Kelate. Saya juga mula faham sikit-sikit loghat utara walau tak reti nak kecek.

Alangkah indahnya kalau kanak-kanak di Sarawak pun dapat mendengar seorang Ustaz Kelantan berteriak dalam kelas "Oiiii belake sano jange dok GEGE gaaakkkk!" 

Integrasi nasional, kadangkala perlu mencampurkan yang warna hitam dan putih baru dapat kelabu. Kuning dan biru baru dapat hijau. Barulah berwarna-warni dunia ini.

Sekian, coretan Ripin Niknah di pagi raya :-)

Sunday, November 8, 2015

IBS Can Reduce Over Dependence on Foreign Workers

Construction industry is among the highest employing foreign labours. The Works Ministry's initiative to promote IBS (Industrialised Building System), I welcome it. I am willing to make a proposal change in the policy related to my current job scope.

IBS will reduce the construction costs, cut over dependence on migrant workers, curb cash outflow amounting billions every year. A new supporting business sector will emerge. More entrepreneurs will be created to supply IBS' related products from concrete modules, concept designs, installation services to standard certification experts.

Therefore, a new set of construction regulations should be formulated. I acknowledge that it may take some times to fully implement it. But if there is a political will, the nation will sail to right direction.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Tips Jawab Soalan Karangan BM SPM

Bunyi bunyinya SPM mula hari ni. Selamat menjawab lako-lako. Ambo dulu BM tak berapa score sangat. Cukup-cukup wat masuk U jah. 

Ambo ada tips sikit untuk calon-calon SPM. Mula dengan Bismillah, baca doa Allahummaftah....jawab dengan terbaik.

Nah tips nak jawab soalan karangan BM:-

Subjek BM tak susah. Masa jawab pastikan ada FAKTA. Jangan goreng banyak sangat.

Kalau buat karangan, fakta letak di ayat pertama perenggan. Ayat seterusnya adalah penerangan.

Perenggan akhir sekali sebagai kesimpulan. Ulang balik semua fakta di ayat pertama setiap perenggan tadi.


Gejala dadah di kalangan remaja.

(Ayat pembukaan)

Masalah dadah di kalangan remaja adalah berpunca daripada beberapa faktor, antaranya ialah:

(Ayat isi kandungan)

[FAKTA] Tiada atau kurang didikan ibu bapa di rumah. [PENERANGAN] Kesibukan ibu bapa dalam mencari rezeki menyebabkan kurangnya tumpuan mendidik untuk membentuk kelakuan baik anak-anak. Akibatnya, remaja tidak memahami bahaya gejala penagihan dadah....

(Ayat kesimpulan)

Ulang ayat pembukaan dan ayat pertama setiap perenggan tadi...

Selamat menjawab.

-- Ripin NikNah