Thursday, October 23, 2014

Jeruk Mangga Asam Boi / Pickled Young Manggo

Di media sosial, seperti sudah menjadi kegilaan ramai dengan jeruk terbaru...jeruk mangga asam boi. Okay, saya pun ingin berkongsi cara-cara hendak membuat jeruk asam boi yang dikatakan lazat, masam-masam masin dan manis. Saya nak tambah lagi rasanya supaya lebih power dan menyengat.


1. Buah mangga muda. Seelok-eloknya yang sudah tua tapi belum masak.
2. Gula secukup rasa.
3. Garam secukup rasa.
4. Gula merah atau gula melaka.
5. Cili padi merah. Buang biji dan dipotong halus.
6. Asam boi.
* Air atau cuka tidak digunakan sama sekali!

Cara-cara membuat.

1. Kopek kulit mangga dan basuh. Hiris mangga tidak terlalu nipis tidak terlalu tebal. Pastikan mangga tidak basah. Masukkan ke dalam mangkuk supaya mudah untuk digaul.
2. Campurkan mangga tadi dengan asam boi, gula yang banyak, sedikit garam, gula melaka yang telah dihancurkan dan cili padi merah yang telah dipotong halus. Gaulkan sehingga rata.
3. Biarkan campuran tadi selama satu jam sehingga semua gula, garam dan gula melaka telah benar-benar hancur. Gaulkan lagi setiap 30 minit untuk 3 jam lagi agar campuran betul-betul sebati.
4. Sebagai petunjuk jeruk mangga sudah sedia untuk dimakan ialah apabila terdapat air dalam mangkuk. Air ini ialah air daripada buah mangga yang telah meresap keluar kerana proses dehidrasi apabila dicampur gula dan garam.
5. Selepas 3 jam masukkan jeruk tadi ke dalam peti ais sehingga sejuk.
6. Jeruk Mangga Asam Boi sedia untuk dimakan!

Selamat mencuba!!!

-- Chef Saupee

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Tiada Pilih Kasih Mohon Skim PTD

Oleh: Sharamei Shaik Ahmedullah

TIADA pilih kasih hanya calon terbaik yang akan mengisi jawatan Pegawai Tadbir dan Diplomat (PTD). Itu tegas Pengerusi Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam (SPA), Tan Sri Mahmood Adam.

Menurut beliau, jawatan dalam skim perkhidmatan awam itu tidak seperti dahulu lagi apabila setiap tahun permohonan daripada calon yang layak untuk memohon ke jawatan itu terus meningkat.

Skim berkenaan yang boleh dikategorikan sebagai elit dalam sektor perkhidmatan awam kini mula mendapat tempat di hati bukan sahaja lepasan pelajar di institusi pengajian tempatan malah pelajar dari luar negara.

Malah, saingan kini bertambah sengit apabila SPA mula mengintai pelajar terbaik negara yang sedang menuntut di tahun akhir universiti luar negara untuk memohon mengisi jawatan tersebut.

"Sekarang SPA mula mengambil langkah proaktif sejak tahun lalu untuk menemuduga pelajar tahun akhir yang sedang belajar di luar negara untuk berkhidmat dalam perkhidmatan awam supaya orang lain tidak sambar dahulu.

"Kalau SPA tidak tawarkan skim ini kepada mereka, kita bimbang ilmu yang mereka peroleh ketika menuntut di luar negara disumbangkan kepada negara luar dan sekali gus negara akan kehilangan bakat terbaik," katanya ketika ditemui Utusan Malaysia di pejabatnya di Putrajaya baru-baru ini.

Mahmood berkata, negara sering kali terlepas untuk mendapatkan khidmat pelajar terbaik negara ini selepas berjaya dipancing negara tempat mereka belajar dan syarikat swasta yang menawarkan gaji lumayan.

Bagaimanapun, selepas usaha agresif dan proaktif diambil oleh SPA pelajar dari luar negara mula membuka mata dan menunjukkan minat untuk memohon ke jawatan tersebut.

Jelas beliau, biarpun SPA berminat dengan pelajar luar negara untuk berkhidmat dalam kerajaan setiap syarat yang telah ditetapkan sewaktu peperiksaan dan temuduga perlu dipatuhi.

Mahmood memberitahu, sebanyak 65,000 pemohon yang layak telah memohon untuk memasuki skim tersebut dan daripada jumlah itu sebanyak 1,162 calon merupakan pelajar tahun akhir yang sedang menuntut di institusi pengajian tinggi di Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington DC, United Kingdom dan Australia.

Bagaimanapun, katanya, SPA hanya membuat pengambilan sebanyak 300 tempat untuk calon-calon terbabit mengisi jawatan tersebut untuk tahun ini yang mana hanya calon terbaik dipilih tanpa memilih bulu.

Menurut beliau, daripada jumlah itu satu pertiga jawatan dalam skim tersebut berjaya diisi oleh pelajar lulusan luar negara.

"Tahun lalu kita menggunakan kaedah konvensional dengan pergi ke luar negara untuk bertemu dengan pelajar ini bagi menjalankan peperiksaan dan sesi temu duga namun, selepas ini kaedah ini akan digantikan sepenuhnya menerusi sistem atas talian.

"Sejak kita menjalankan promosi secara giat ramai dalam kalangan pelajar luar negara berminat memasuki skim ini antaranya kerana gaji yang tinggi dan faedah menarik seperti pinjaman perumahan sehingga RM400,000, pinjaman kenderaan sehingga RM60,000, komputer sehingga RM5,000 dan faedah perubatan.

"Biarpun, mereka ini akan bermula sebagai kadet PTD dan menerima bayaran elaun sebanyak RM 2,095 sebulan selama setahun selepas itu, gaji yang akan diterima tidak kurang RM3,600 sebulan bergantung kepada kelayakan yang ada," katanya.

Dalam pada itu, salah seorang pelajar terbaik negara yang berjaya memasuki skim tersebut yang turut ditemui, Muazam Shah Mat Nor, 27, menyifatkan peluang yang diberikan untuk berkhidmat dalam sektor kerajaan sangat dinanti-nantikan kerana berkesempatan menabur bakti dengan ilmu yang diperoleh dari luar negara.

Dia yang merupakan pemegang Ijazah Sarjana Kejuruteraan Alam Sekitar dan Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Bahan dari Universiti Teknologi Toyohashi Jepun berkata, ilmu yang diperoleh dari Jepun mampu digunakan dalam perkhidmatan awam bagi meningkatkan lagi keberkesanan sektor awam terhadap pelanggan.

"Saya sedar ada tawaran menarik dari syarikat swasta dan di Jepun sendiri namun, tawaran yang disediakan dalam PTD juga tidak kurang menarik malah kita mampu merangka dasar kerajaan bagi memantapkan lagi perkhidmatan awam," katanya.

Seorang lagi calon lulusan luar negara, Noor Amanina Mohd. Noor, 24, yang merupakan pemegang Ijazah Sarjana Muda Biochemsitry dan Bioteknologi Universiti East Lansing Michigan berkata, dia mengambil peperiksaan PTD pada tahun lalu di Amerika Syarikat ketika menuntut pada tahun akhir.

Katanya, selain perlu mengetahui bidang yang dipelajari semua calon juga perlu mengetahui hal ehwal semasa terutamanya yang berlaku sama ada dalam atau luar negara.

Menurut pemegang Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Kimia Institusi Teknologi Royal Melbourne, Victoria Australia, Nurul Amalia Zawawi, 24, biarpun dianggap mempunyai kelebihan sebagai pelajar lulusan luar negara, status tersebut sedikit pun tidak memberi kelebihan.

Katanya, calon lulusan institusi pengajian tinggi tempatan juga mempunyai kelebihan tersendiri, malah lebih mengetahui mengenai hal ehwal semasa dalam negara.

"Saya mengambil peperiksaan ini di Melbourne ketika menuntut pada tahun akhir dan bagi mengetahui hal ehwal semasa terutamanya di Malaysia kami perlu melayari berita atas talian bagi mendapatkan maklumat terkini.

"Pengalaman yang tidak dapat dilupakan adalah ketika ditemu duga sendiri oleh Pengerusi SPA pada mulanya memang agak gementar tetapi sikap beliau yang tenang dan ramah membuatkan kami hilang takut," katanya. – Utusan Online, 23 September 2014

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Promotion Exercise

The recent promotion exercise by the Public Service Department (PSD) has taught me one important thing. Read further for the details...

Several officers who worked hard and dedicated serving the organisation were left out from the promotion exercise. One of the main reasons was due to the so called performance evaluation marks were below certain benchmark level used by the central agency PSD. Instead of giving promotion to the existing long serving officers, outsiders who had just joined the organisation were rewarded. The reason being was that the outsiders scored higher appraisal evaluation marks. 

However, PSD failed to recognise the fact that appraisal evaluation by immediate supervisor was very subjective and depended upon the level of generosity of the evaluator and how he perceives the excellenct working criteria and performance result. This is the result of the organisational's performance culture and working environment. Different organisations may have different way and benchmarks how it evaluate their people's performance. For example, the 90% marks and above could be given to those who excel in work performance. But, for some organisations, the excellence criterion is defined within the range of 85% to 90%. The score above 90% would only be give to a handful employees who had shown exemplary and outstanding achievements.

Therefore, if the PSD were to maintain this outdated promotion system, I have learned one thing. If you cannot change the system, then live it with the system and find ways how to exploit the system to your advantage.

What did I learn? When you feel your promotion is coming, be sure to keep reminding your boss of a fair appraisal evaluation. I would not hesitate to request from my supervisor for higher marks if I fully satisfied with my performance. I will clearly say to my supervisor that his fair contribution will have an impact on my soon to be higher grade promotion. I believe, by telling the truth (about our feeling) will result in a win-win situation. My supervisor and effectively the organisation will benefit from positive performance of highly motivated of mine. And of course, I will get higher appraisal marks from the supervisor and hopefully be considered for promotion by the PSD. I give work commitment, my supervisor gives me a high evaluation score. So, fair what???

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Resepi dan Cara Masak Peria Goreng dengan Telur dan Ikan Bilis


Menu dan resepi berbuka saya untuk hari pertama bulan Ramadhan tahun ini.

Peria Goreng dengan Telur dan Ikan Bilis

Video masakan buah peria goreng dengan telur dan ikan bilis.

Selamat mencuba dan selamat berbuka puasa!

-- Chef Saupee

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Top 10 Travel Tips To Malaysia and Etiquette

Welcome to Malaysia. Selamat Datang ke Malaysia!

Read the following top 10 travel tips as your guides while you are in the country:-
  1. Since it's a tropical country, ensure that you bring light clothing, comfy shoes, insect repellent and plenty of sunscreen;
  2. Drug dealing and trafficking carry severe punishment;
  3. Gambling is only permitted at Genting Highland Casino;
  4. To drive in Malaysia, you'll need an International Driving Permit (IDP) but it is recommended that you take taxis to move about as it is easier;
  5. You must have a certificate of inoculation for yellow fever if you're coming from infected countries. Vaccination for cholera and small pox are not necessary;
  6. Always keep your belongings safely with you while you're out and about. Important document should be kept in your hotel safety deposit box;
  7. Be careful with the authenticity of branded items as bootleg products are widely available
  8. Tipping is not practised or expected at eateries. It's your prerogative if you do want to tip;
  9. Have loose change handy with you at all times for taxis, buses and trains. Also, when taking a taxi, insist on using the meter; and
  10. Most importantly keep hydrating!


The locals here are particular about etiquette simply because they are from different cultural backgrounds.
  1. When visiting any home and places of worship, it's good manners to remove your shoes before entering the premises;
  2. Certain places of worship have a dress code, so please follow instructions. Some might not allow photography. Just look out for signage;
  3. When passing items (such as money) or pointing directions, it is considered polite to use the right hand;
  4. When invited for a dinner, utensils are usually provided but it's customary for the Malays and Indians to eat using their right hand. The Chinese usually use chopsticks;
  5. Purchase and consumption of alcohol is limited to patrons over 21 at non-halal establishments;
  6. Cigarettes are sold to those age 18 and above sonly. Please look out for NON SMOKING signage, as smoking is prohibited or limited to certain areas in most airports, shopping malls, banks, hospitals, cinema halls and eateries;
  7. It is courteous to say 'thank you' at the end of conversation;
  8. Blatant public displays of affection (PDA) are frowned upon.

Thank you for reading. Enjoy your stay and 'Terima kasih!'

Fly to Malaysia with Malaysia Airlines and AirAsia from all the corners of the globe.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Resepi: Mushroom Soup / Sup Cendawan


1. 1 ketul dada ayam (dicincang)
2. 1 tin cendawan bulat (dicincang)
3. 1 ketul kiub ayam
4. 1 cawan tepung gandum (bancuh dengan sedikit air supaya tidak berketul-ketul)
5. 1.5 liter air
6. 0.5 liter susu cair
7. Sedikit garam

Cara-cara memasak:

1. Didihkan air dahulu
2. Masukkan 1 ketul kiub ayam
3. Masukkan ayam dan cendawan yang sudah dicincang taxi
4. Akhir sekali masukkan bancuhan tepung gandun dan sedikit garam.

Sup Cendawan siap untuk dihidang! Selamat menjamu selera :-)

-- Chef We Sau Pee

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Fight Against Bribery

I have one suggestion in curbing bribery and misused of power for personal interest by the civil servants.

Usually though it is not a standard practice, KSU, TKSU and Chiefs of Uniformed Services as well as Department's Director Generals i.e. ATM, Police, will be hired soon after their retirement. Apparently and maybe coincidently, the organizations who hired them are mostly have had businesses with the ministries, services or departments which the senior officers served as the decision makers prior to their retirement.

Some of them were the Chairman of the Tender Committee and/or had the final say in the procurement decision makings.

In order to paint a good image of the government and maintain integrity and more importantly to avoid the corrupt decision making of favouring some companies for certain government contracts, the companies who hired the government's senior officers will be subjected to SPRM's scrutiny for at least six months period.

For example, the six months old contracts that have been awarded to the companies which the retired officers were the chairman of the tender committee or held the important decision power could be rescinded if the government find there were elements of abuse of power.

JPA could formulate a guideline for After Retirement Employment for Government Employees. The Treasury may review the procurement procedures and SPRM would be playing more effective roles in upholding the integrity of the public service officers in managing the tax payers hard earned money.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

How to make a Home Made Air Kotak Milo

A Home Made Air Kotak Milo!

Remember when we were at primary school? One day, there was a green colour lorry came to our school and distributed a cup of cold, delicious, sweet and fatty chocolate drink. We patiently queued the line for our turn. We took the drink. We quickly drank it. Then we quietly back in the queue for another round of cup of Milo!

We then went home and asked our mom to prepare the Milo for us. But, apparently the taste was not the same as what we tasted at school. So, we went to shop and bought the Air Kotak Milo, just to satisfy our addiction to Air Milo Ais!

Have you ever wondered why the self made milo does not have the taste as the Air Kotak Milo? I just discovered the secret...after been trying it since my schoolchildren time! Here you go, the secret recipe of Air Kotak Milo!

What do you need to have?

A glass of water (normal water, not hot water. mineral water also will do);
3 scoops milo powder;
2 table spoons full cream milk; and
Ice cubes.

Then, How to do it?

Stir milo powder in the water until it dissolved completely. Then add 4-5 ice cubes. Stir until it dissolved. Lastly (remember lastly!), put the milk into the glass of cold milo 'o' and stir them (the milk may takes some times to dissolve in a cold water).

Add ice cubes or keep in the fridge to cool the 'ready for drink' of you "Air Kotak Milo" or tasty Milo Ice!

Happy trying!