Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Adakah Perlu Menyambut 16 September Hari Malaysia?

Pada pandangan peribadi saya, 16 September memberi makna bahawa rakyat bersifat lebih berkepompong. 

Melayu dengan Melayunya, Cina dengan Cinanya. India dengan Indianya, Iban dengan Ibannya, Kadazan dengan Kadazannya.

Semenanjung dengan perangainya. Sabah dengan identitinya, Sarawak dengan kemegahannya.

Di mana sifat kenegaraan Malaysia yang satu jika semua kepompong terus terperangkap dalam kepompong sendiri?

Baik sambut 31 Ogos sahaja. Cukup. Hari Kemerdekaan, Hari Kebangsaan Malaysia yang sejak kecil kita disemai bahawa kita telah keluar dari kepompong penjajah Inggeris.


Sekian. Kbai...

Sunday, September 6, 2015

A Good Leader Motivates, Guides and Builds the Team

Information and knowledge sharing is a show of caring..some topics on leadership and teamwork collected during Tea Talk Session With Ketua Setiausaha Perbendaharaan and Tuan Haji Azman Ismail.

Here are the important take home points:-

1. Employees are the core of an organization. A good leader motivates employees to wake up in the morning and do the best job they can, far beyond monetary gains and benefits.

2. 70% of the current workforce are from Gen Y  and the key to getting the best out of them is to not dictate but to guide. You will be surprised at how vast the potentials of Gen Y-sters when unleashed and channeled.

3. Where we start is Point A and where we aim to be is Point B. A good leader will have a clear vision of Point B and create the right organizational behaviour by guiding individuals to Point B, paving the way and overcome gaps eg training etc.

4. Take care of your health. No one is good when constantly sick or tired. A leader needs to be energetic and always on the go.

5. Minimise power distance. A good leader is close with his/her anak buah, turun padang buat kerja sama-sama. Give equal opportunity for all to say their piece of mind, there is no right/wrong POV. Create that condusive environment. 

6. Always be positive and refrain from whining. Your employees look up to you, whether u like it or not, especially when in tough situations. Employees often emulate thier leader.

7. Think BIG. Continuously push yourself beyond and out of your comfort zone. 

8. The choices that you make are what makes you what you are. You ALWAYS have a choice so make the choice that counts. 

9. Discipline. It's what it takes to get you to Point B. 

10. Have foresight. Good leadership will not only be in the now but also foresees the challenges ahead, plans and prepares the team to act accordingly.

Note: The above writing was not mine. I got it from one of the PTD Whatsapp groups which I was also the member of the group.


saupee @ September, 2015

Hari Kebangsaan, Bahasa Malaysia, Bahasa Kebangsaan Malaysia

Tak berapa berkenan dengan iklan Aspirasi Merdeka PM sempena Hari Kebangsaan 2015 dan Hari Malaysia 2015. Perpaduan semakin terurai sebab gagal membawa mesej jelas Bahasa Malaysia sebagai Bahasa Perpaduan bangsa Malaysia.

Sebaliknya dipertontonkan beberapa orang dewasa bercakap dalam bahasa lain. Melayu cakap Cina. Cina cakap Tamil. India cakap BM. PM sudah tentulah cakap BM. Hasrat penerbit mungkin untuk menyatakan bahawa perpaduan terbina apabila rakyat Malaysia boleh bercakap bahasa lain.

Diakui Malaysia mempunyai kepelbagaian seperti bahasa dan bangsa. Tetapi untuk memupuk perpaduan, penekanan yang sebenarnya ialah sepatutnya keSATUan BAHASA iaitu satu BAHASA MALAYSIA sahaja. Setiap orang bercakap Bahasa Malaysia yang menjadi jambatan sesama rakyat.

Orang yang pernah melihat iklan zaman 80-an dan bersekolah masa itu tentu 'like' pandangan ini.


"Selamat Hari Kebangsaan dan Hari Malaysia 2015"

"Sehati Sejiwa"