Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Overcoming Obstacles at Work

By Chrissy Scivicque

On a coaching I call awhile back, I heard from a loyal blog reader who was feeling distraught. In a nutshell, her situation was this: after interviewing for almost six months, she thought "it was a sure thing" she would be offered a new position in her department. Then, as if from nowhere, an external candidate was selected for the role. After all the time and energy she had committed to this, she was left feeling frustrated, demotivated and betrayed. This forward thinking professional was looking for a new creative ways to overcome negative feelings as she tried to determine what her next career step should be.

It is never easy to be passed over for a job, more so when it is at your current place for employment. For those of you who are in similar situations, here is what I suggest you:

1. Remove the emotion

I know it is easy to get down on yourself, down on your own company, and down on this person who snagged the role from beneath you, but do not get wrapped up in those emotions. Take a little time to went and wallow in the disappointment, and move on. It is a new day.

This is business, after all. Things can change in a blink of an eye. The situation might look bleak today, but new opportunities are just around the corner. Do not beat yourself, or anyone else up.

2. Get the scoop

Politely and professionally address the situation with the hiring manager. Ask if he or she can share some of the reasons you were not selected. It is perfectly fine to tell this person that you are disappointed; you felt your skills and experience were a match for this role.

However, make sure they understand that you respect the final decision and you are only looking to grow from the experience.

Ask what you can do to be better prepared the next time an opportunity like this comes around. Try to get specifics here; Are you lacking certain skills required for this kind of role? Do you need more education or more hands-on experience? The more you know, the more proactive you can be.

3. Create a plan

Once you know what you need to be better positioned for future growth, create a plan. Outline specific goals and the dates by which you will complete them.

Focusing your attention on this will also help you release any of that negativity that still remains. Nothing feels more satisfying and rewarding than progress.

4. Shift you mindset

Have you ever had an experience where something appeared on the surface to be horrible, negative thing but then after some time passed, you suddenly realised it was a blessing in disguise? What if that is what is happening here? What blessing might be hiding underneath this bad situation?

Look for the opportunity here. Remember, you always find what you are looking for, so focus on the positive potential.

5. Find an advocate

Whether we like it or not, the workplace is full of politics. People trade favours and help make things happen for people they like. It is not always a bad thing, it is just the way the world works. Why not use that to your advantage? Find someone who really believes in you and supports your efforts to grow. As for their help making it happen.

They might not be able to do anything specific now; but perhaps in the future, they will have the ear of a decision-maker. Maybe just knowing they are on your side will help you stay positive.

Having an ally always feels good. Find those people who know your worth and keep them close. Continually reinforce your value and remember to give them support as well. This is two-way street.

Keep your chin up and look to the future. -- The Star, 21 December 2015

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Never far from truth...Life goes on