Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Most Stupid Statement From A Friend of My Friend on Facebook

I decided to copy and nail this statement on my blog. The statement which I consider as the most stupid thing I have ever seen in my live.

I pity him for being naive and could not see things differently. I am a citizen of Malaysia. I love my country. I am willing to die to defend my country as my Prophet teaches me. But I am free to choose who will be the Government of my country. I live in a democratic country. I have my own right to choose my own choice. So, do you.....

Read below and you judge on your own whatever you like.

Extract from the wall of my Facebook friend on 11 April 2013. Who is he? Doesn't matter as it is not important.

"Kua...kua.. statement paling banggang daripada seorang xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Ha..ha.. lupa plak saya pakatan rakyat masih lagi mempejuangkan negara negara islam mempejuangkan hudud.. dalam video tu pun bukan sebarangan orang klalifah uthman di pulau pinang... ha..ha.. butuh la ada ka cerita hudud dlm menifesto pakatan rakyat, dalam buku jingga ade ke..??? Ha..ha.. depa yang tak dak teloq dok nak salahkan orang pooodahhh... inilah cerminan penyokong pembangkang yg buta hati , buta perut namun malangnya berada di kerusi empok dalam perkhidmatan awam.. inilah calon2 yg akan mengulangi sejarah kebodohan bekas2 jeneral yg berpaling padah ke pentas pembangkang setelah mendapat pelbagai keistimewaan sebelum ini.. kepimpinan keluarga diutamakan, pungkoq mahasiswa didahului.. hidup negara islam..."

The heat is getting hotter and hotter.

"Ini Kali lah..."

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